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ICGN works with clients to deliver education & training tailored to their needs - including conference sessions and online courses. 



Meet the organisations ICGN have worked with to provide training and education.

Bryant University

The International Corporate Governance Network is pleased to partner with Bryant University, Rhode Island, US. The partnership commences with the approval of its flagship training programme Governance, Stewardship and Sustainability. To register your interest, please email

The GSS course has been delivered online since 2020 and has been completed by over 200 investment professionals from across 6 continents and 34 countries. It serves to provide training and guidance in corporate governance, sustainability and investor stewardship via interactive webinars and supporting online resources and texts.
Bryant University is accredited by AACSB International (AACSB) and The New England Commission of Higher Education

‘For some time now, our membership and clients have asked us to further develop our course provision to include formal accreditation with a reputable partner.  Partnering with Bryant University enables us to take our courses to a new level, and we have an exciting plan for the further development of our courses with access to Bryant’s expertise.’
Andrew Spencer, ICGN’s Education and Training Director.


ecoDa is an independent actor and a unique umbrella organization representing the main national institutes of directors in Europe. Their member institutes cover in total about 50,000 individual directors across 21 countries, sitting on the board of companies of all sizes and sectors.

ICGN is proud to announce its partnership with ecoDa in providing an investor perspective to its flagship training programme for Directors.

The ICGN module featuring Policy Director and ICGN Training Faculty George Dallas, taking place on 01 December 2023.